Google unmanned car CTO resigns, exposing dissatisfaction with department leader

According to the "New York Times" report on August 5, US Eastern Time, Chris Urmson, technical director of Google's self-driving car project, has left from Google. A spokesman for Google’s parent company Alphabet confirmed the news.

Chris Urmson

Ulmson was a research scientist at Carnegie Mellon University and has a pivotal position in the field of automated driving. He joined Google in 2009 to help develop the Google driverless car project that was very secret at the time. In 2013, as the team’s former CTO Sebastian Thrun left from Google, Ulmson took over his position.

The decision to leave Ulmson may be related to the change in the general manager of the project. Last year, Google decided to appoint John Krafcik as head of the project. Ulmson was not satisfied with this, and it happened a few months ago in private with Larry Page. Dispute.

John Krafcik

In an article posted to the blog platform Medium on Friday, Ulmson said he has not decided what to do next. He said: "If I can find another project that I am obsessed with, I will consider to try again. I firmly believe that this mission is in the hands of competent people."

This is not a recent case of departure from Google’s unmanned vehicle. Earlier this year, Google unmanned car engineer Anthony Levandowski and Google Earth product manager Lior Ron left the company and set up their own self-driving trucks. Otto. After that, two other unmanned Google engineers, Dave Ferguson and Jiajun Zhu, also left. They are experts in machine vision and have also started an undisclosed start-up company.

Via New York Times